


人:谭志加  教授  大连海事大学

主题名称:Evacuating the metro passengers with urban bus system under uncertain disruption recovery time and heterogeneous risk-taking behavior




Bus bridging problem always focused on the severe emergencies or catastrophes and investigated the large-scale evacuation of passengers. This study proposes an evacuation scheme of metro passengers with urban bus system under the commonly-happened service disruptions. We develop the multi-model transit assignment model by constructing the metro-bus evacuation network. The metro disruptions are associated with the specified the mean and variance of the service recovery time. The affected metro passengers choose to wait or leave the metro system according to their own perceived travel cost and risk-taking behavior. The proposed evacuation scheme builds the linkage between the behavior passengers’ response to the service disruptions and joint decision of evacuation network design and bus frequencies. Thus, it provides the coordination service between the urban bus and metro under disruption. We also proposed a heuristic algorithm to obtain the disruption-triggered evacuation scheme of joint decision of network design and bus frequency choice in a general transit network. The efficiency of the proposed scheme and algorithm is demonstrated by the numerical experiment of a real-world urban transit network.



时间地点:2019-5-29周三   13:30  交运楼115






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