2019年研究生学术前沿讲座(33)-Challenges and opportunities of aviation industry under increasing environmental concern: Amsterdam and Hong Kong airports



人:Anming Zhang  教授  University of British Columbia

主题名称: Challenges and opportunities of aviation industry under increasing environmental concern: Amsterdam and Hong Kong airports




Abstract: Climate change has become an issue that has aroused much public concern around the world in recent years. Public concerns over the potentially significant impacts of aviation on climate have pressured governments to control greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from air transport. Will "business as usual" technological progress be sufficient to stabilize GHG emissions from air transportation in the mid- to long-term? The answer is no. According to OECD (2008) air transportation could, based on a business-as-usual scenario, grow from 14.8% in 2010, to 23% of total transportation's CO2 emissions in 2050. (The world transportation sector emitted about a quarter of total CO2 emissions.) This is due partly to more readily available environmentally friendly energy in the future for ground-based transportation compared to air transportation, as well as faster growth rate of air transportation compared to other modes. In this talk, I'll first discuss challenges and opportunities faced by aviation industry under increasing environmental concern. I'll then examine how the Amsterdam and Hong Kong airports deal with the problems and compare their similarities and differences. Finally, I'll discuss research opportunities in the area.

时间地点:2019-9-11周三   13:20  交运楼115








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